Why team on-sites are important?
In a fully remote team, the opportunities for regular face-to-face interactions and informal conversations, which foster relationships, trust, and a sense of belonging, are missing. Therefore, Filmhub encourages each team to meet in person regularly.
How often should teams meet in person?
Filmhub recommends that each team meets quarterly or semi-annually.
What is the length for team on-sites and does it include any team events?
Given that in-person team on-sites incur significant expenses for the company, it is important to maximize productive time and minimize disruptions caused by travel. Therefore, our guidelines are as follows:
- Team on-sites take place from Sunday Evening Dinner (generally 7-8pm) until Friday late afternoon (5 pm)
- Arrival should be scheduled for Sunday by 7pm to make the team dinner kickoff on Sunday!
- Departure should be scheduled for late Friday night or early Saturday
- This ensures that the entire team can work productively for a normal week
- If the team on-site location is too small with not enough dedicated working space, we will arrange a conference room or co-working space for the team to work in
- Each team on-site includes one fun local team-bonding event, such as a food tour etc.
When should we start planning for an on-site?
- Dates and location should be confirmed and finalized two months out
What if I am a one person team?
We understand that some team members are not part of a bigger team but work cross-functionally with others. Therefore, we suggest the following team groupings:
- Product & Engineering
- Ops Content & Ops Channels
- Sales Acquisitions, Sales Licensing, Ops Recommender, Ops Revenue and Marketing
By having team retreats together, these people can build better relationships and improve their collaboration across different functions, which will ultimately help the organization succeed.